Summertime, and the living is usually easy.......but NOT for your head!! Heat from the sun degrades the protective protein in your hair--which oxidizes the color to a brassy hue, wipes out shine, and leaves those locks very brittle. On top of that, UV rays, follicle-frizzling humidity, and moisture-zapping chlorine and saltwater can parch your 'do.
Here are a few summer hair care tips to keep your locks in top shape:
Create a "sunblock" for hair. Because there's no effective chemical product or dye designed to counteract the impact of ultraviolent rays on hair. Simply take your favorite hair mask and mix in an equal ratio with sunscreen lotion. Apply to damp hair, reapplying throughout the day in the same manner as sunscreen on your skin. Finer-haired gals can benefit from a spray sunscreen so you don't get weighty. This also helps protect the scalp from sunburn as well. A product cocktail like this will offer the most protection while also providing hydration for your hair during these humid days of the summer.......and down south, we definitely need that!
A WIDE HAT is also your summertime best friend! It provides shade for your hair and also keeps your face out of the sun!

1. BE SUN SMART. UV rays are bad news for our hair, as well as our skin. Too much sun can leave hair dry, brittle and faded. And remember, the best sun protection for your hair and face can be summed up using three little letters: H.A.T! Don’t leave home without one!
2. INVEST IN A GOOD SHAMPOO. It's true that not all shampoos are created equal. So put aside your pennies and buy the shampoos we offer. Just keep it out of reach of the children. It really does make a huge difference on keeping your hair hydrated and the color from fading! You invest a lot of money in your hair, so insure your investment with the proper home care.
3. GET STYLING. With the right styling products you can create a hairstyle that will have everyone talking. But don’t suffocate your hair by using styling products every day – allocate at least one day a week to leave your hair au' natural.
4. PROTECT YOUR COLOR. If your hair is color-treated, the last thing you want to do is spend too much time in the sun. And forget the swimming pool - chlorine will strip the color from your hair shaft in the blink of an eye. Remember, the less you wash your hair the longer your color will last. There's nothing wrong with skipping the shampoo every now and then, and going straight for the color-protect conditioner, especially after a day at the beach!
5. BRUSH IT. Brushing your hair regularly will not only keep it free from knots, but it will stimulate circulation in the scalp which encourages blood flow to the roots of your hair. The golden rule of brushing says: the longer your hair, the bigger your brush should be.
6. CHOP IT. Never underestimate the power of a good trim. Experts recommend getting rid of your split-ends every six to eight weeks for maximum hair health (and to help it grow longer while staying healthy).
7. AIR-DRY NOT HAIR-DRY. To retain your hair's natural moisture avoid using a hairdryer. In the warm summer months, pop the hair dryer away in the cupboard and air-dry your hair as much as possible!

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1078 Montgomery Hwy.
Vestavia Hills, AL 35216